Metaphysical Property Disclaimer


All spiritual and metaphysical properties listed in product descriptions, on product pages, in catalogs or anywhere on Sacred Tree's (Leaf's LLC) website or Sacred Tree's social media pages are of personal opinion and based on personal research done by Sacred Tree.  No spiritual, metaphysical,  healing, astrological, ect... properties, or abilities are guaranteed, nor should they be intended to.  All statements in regards of what any spiritual item may do listed on Sacred Tree (Leaf's LLC) are to be considered as opinions, and not facts. Despite our personal belief in the properties of spiritual items mentioned on Sacred Tree's (Leaf's LLC) website, these our just our beliefs and should not be relied upon as there is either none or limited scientific research to back these claims.  Leaf's LLC is not responsible or liable for any "false advertisement" as it is stated that these our just our opinions and not facts and should be treated as such.  Leaf's LLC has no affiliation with any sort of medical professionals, therefore nothing stated on  Sacred Tree (Leaf's LLC) should be considered when making any sort of physical or mental medical decisions.  If you are dealing with any sort of medical condition, please reach out to a local doctor or professionalLeaf's LLC does not provide any sort of medical advice.

***Mental health is very important.  Although spiritual items are considered to be potentially useful when facing mental health issues, they should never be solely relied upon for such critical needs.  Please, if you or someone you know is struggling reach out to a medical professional.  If you are in a mental health crisis, please call 911(USA).  Alternatively, you could also contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline via text or call at 988(USA).  Please take care of yourself, your life is worth living and you are loved dearly.***