Collection: Sunstone

Sunstone is a stone of joy. It enhances intuition and, if life has become lackluster, sunstone can restore its sweetness and aid in self-care. It clears all of the chakras, infusing light and energy, and allows one's true self to shine through joyfully. It symbolizes good luck and fortune, abundance, and a connection to the light and regenerative power of the sun in both meditation and daily life. Sunstone is particularly beneficial for releasing energetic attachments from others. It supports the recovery from codependency, fostering self-empowerment, independence, and vitality. It assists in setting boundaries, saying no, and maintaining assertiveness. Sunstone is effective in alleviating depression and lifting dark moods, bringing light to the darkness. It counters feelings of failure and boosts self-esteem and confidence, promoting optimism and enthusiasm. It encourages a positive outlook on events and can help release deep-seated emotions.

Zodiac: Libra, Pisces

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